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I want this to be a review/comment with the intention to help you polish this game up. Let me start with the things I like. I enjoy the premise and the work you put in to building the atmosphere. It helps sell the immersion and build an identity for the game. The amount of work you were able to put in is something to be proud of. I think the wall running is a neat idea, with the only issue there being the adhesion to the wall feels a bit weak with the player slipping only a second or two after sticking. It doesn't feel like there's much time to use the wall for distance and pushed me to wall hop and gave me a frenetic pace. The amount of bots in Lvl 2 was challenging, but if I didn't have my complaints, I think they would've been a welcome challenge. The game play loop of collecting data and delivering them is simple and paves the way to have unique platforming challenges.

The one real complaint I have is born from my inability to really understand how to use the Wall Gun. It feels like it's supposed to be a way to make player borne walls to facilitate more fluid wall running, but I never could understand how. The wall spawning in front of my face feels more like an obstacle. If I wanted to position the wall in a more advantageous position, I'd have to be angling my view down or flick my camera to the right to platform jump or extend my wall run respectively. That didn't come naturally and felt like I was more likely to kill my momentum or put a wall above my head. So I tried to pivot my usage and started to attempt to wall plant/bounce between my player created walls, but that only ever resulted in minimal height or incorrect placement and plummeting into the void.  All that said, I want to offer some brain storm ideas for how you might take this wall gun idea and mold it (if you, of course, want to keep working on this project).

I think the best and easiest improvement would be to beef up the Wall Gun training room in the tutorial. Offer a small animation of a character using the wall gun properly, or change up the layout of that specific room in the tutorial. Something like a small gap, a bigger gap, and the biggest gap to the exit door. That style of room does offer immediate reinforcement with the player's mind with the trade off that it may be a sieve between players who understand the Wall Gun and a breaking point for those who don't. The animation may be the simplest and best fix. I'm not going to try and armchair dev you with ideas for how to replace the Wall Gun, but that can always be a last resort.

All my critique and feedback out of the way, I think you really should take away a feeling of pride from doing the game jam. I am amazed that you were able to do so much for this game in a game jam time frame, and even if I had my moments that spawned feedback notes, I was still excited to check this out. If you update this project in the future, I'll put it down on my list to have fun with down the line. Have fun and good luck!


Thanks for the awesome feedback!!

Lack of wall-stickiness - noted! Actually how you adjusted to more of a wall-hop makes sense, that's kinda how I've been playing it in testing. I was trying to strike a balance between feeling TOO sticky like Spiderman (basically locking the player to forward and backward movement with zero gravity when wall-running) and too heavy/slippery. I chose to halve gravity and shorten the time, but I agree I could definitely polish it up!

Haha yes the wall-gun, herein lies the problem of not having time for playtesters! 😅
Exactly how you've suggested, an animation, or maybe a video/ghost, is probably the route I'll take. I'm not surprised it doesn't automatically make sense, it's a complicated maneuver that I came up with accidentally. With the current setup, like you discovered you kinda have to flick the camera around to make it work. If you check out my trailer I show a clip of the way I ended up doing it

I've tried to think of a way to not just spawn the wall perpendicularly in front of the player, maybe angle it away so it encourages forward movement, but the problem I have with that is which angle do I choose? If I alternate between spawned ahead, slightly to the left, and angled away - and the next wall is the opposite - how do I not run into the problem of the player getting the wrong wall in the moment because they were just hopping from a wall that's part of the level?
I could also increase the size of the spawned wall quite a bit and make it last longer, giving the player an easier chance to jump to it.
Honestly I could just assign a left-angled wall to Left Mouse Button and a right wall to RMB... I just thought of this now, maybe I'll try that!
I'm still working on ideas! 😁

Again thank you for the detailed feedback!! Thanks for taking the time to play!