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since i cant leave any reviews for some reason here is  my thoughts has great amount of potential but what's already in the game could use some explanations such has the time system its never told to the player that the 3 bars at the top are time/energy   how combat works at all the training miny game in the gym lock picking all of these things have no introduction on how they work but are otherwise simply to figure out but a few lines to help new players could help get people into the game more i only had one bug where the showers girl had all her scans start one after the other i believe there was supposed to be a brake due to the dialogue and finally when  exploring the waste i kept finding stuff about a water filter but my quest was about a radio tower  by the end i became confuused on what the main story i was supposed to be working on was did i skip steps and in the pip boy it just says main quest did i reach its current end if so why doesn't it say to be continued like the girls it would make it a lot clearer if that was the case