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Lots of Potential keep going!


+ Simple but nice graphics.

+ Accessibility of the game.

+ Sound effects

+ Controls

+ Guide


- Difficulty: enemies move too quickly making it too easy for you to die. 

- Collision masks/hit-boxes are too big in general.

- Music

- Length of demo (though I assume this will increase)

- Name of the game (imo)


o Make the collision masks/hit-boxes smaller

o Slow down the enemies

o Make/use better music

Thanks for reviewing mate!! 

So about the collision I have already done an improvement just haven't launched yet. 

The name has a meaning and will be explained during the story.

 Also I'm not good composing but I'm working on it haha. 

And will have far more levels just need finish them. 

About the enemies speed, I'm trying to find the bet number for it!! 

Thanks again. I really appreciate!