Oui. Lefties might be censoring a lot right now, but that's just because lefties happen to hold the reins on most social issues at the moment. We can see historically that righties like to censor just as much (and even more tbh).
Lefties will tell you you can't have fun and try to break your toys and call you names, righties will break into your house, tie you to your bed, and burn the house down.
Both sides are ridiculous and need to learn to live and let live, but... when the righties were in charge we couldn't even have a girl x (technically) girl kiss on Mass Effect without "bringing the downfall of American civilization" and making ME2 noticeably miss any same-sex option (RIP the planned bi-Garrus/Tali romances).
And even further back, we get "DND is Satanic", something my grandfather still believes...
Still, censorship is generally wrong no matter who's doing it. Needs to be called out regardless.
(And frankly with how radical everyone is getting, lefties might start burning people in their beds too)