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Felt queasy with the wobbly art and text and didn’t make it all the way down, but I think this is a very mechanically deep entry. Props for the variety of enemy types, unique character classes and so on. I like the UI and control scheme / game feel otherwise.

I’m very fond of gameplay mechanics that keep you from taking common elements (like your automap) for granted, and the sacrifice system is great for that. Also good call that you can skip a sacrifice for each extra you’ve lost in combat.

Others have likely said anything else I would think to add. A few things really should be communicated better, like the presence of items and stairs. I was taking damage at some point on every step (on 3F I think?) and didn’t figure out why. Maybe my trap guy was dead and I didn’t notice, or maybe you have invisible enemies, or some kind of starvation system I wasn’t paying attention to…?

So yeah in a nutshell, great design but needs to communicate better visually.

Thanks ! I'm very happy you're mentioning the variety of enemies as drawing animated enemies is not something I would have considered one year ago. The game would sure benefit from extra feedback on several parts.