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I loved how all of them were representative of the 7 Deadly Sins, but they were all, in the end, redeemable? It’s about overcoming the fear of being not good enough, and being able to rely on others and the idea that none of these “sins” are sinful at all and alfkdjalfjadlfjadlskfjalsdfkjadlfkja

I’ve had a really weird relationship with religion growing up (to be honest being queer and trans never helps with that haha) but like... I don’t know. This game came at a good time for me, and I’m super grateful. It was an amazing experience: I laughed, I raged, I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces....

It was... Purrfect. Thank you so much for this work of paw-rt!

Who's which sin? Some of them make sense, but it feels like some are a stretch.


Gluttony: Kyungsoon, Lust: Sean, Sloth: Natalie, Wrath: Tori, Pride: Oliver, Envy: Elijah, and Greed: Numa

Numa's greed? I expected her to be wrath.

I think so too? 


yeahh i think Oliver is greed, Tori is pride and Numa is wrath but might be wrong