This is a MASSIVE nostalgia trip. I remember playing this game on my Xbox 360 in 2017, many years ago, while the Indie program was still active (not the new ID@Xbox program). This game might have been a low-budget mech shooter, but that didn't make the game any less nostalgic. I spent many days playing the first level of the game over and over again (because I had the trial at the time, not the full game). It's nice to see that this game has been saved on and preserved. This game seriously gives me insane flashbacks and seeing it again screams 'nostalgia'. This is a forgotten gem of the Xbox 360 indie lineup and I am sad this game didn't get the recognition it rightfully deserves. It is a solid mech shooter despite the fact it was made on a low budget.
Thank you for saving this game, it's good to see it again.