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This is a very fun game! the levels are very well designed and balanced especially for the short time frame they were made in, the difficulty curve was was linear imo which is something you don't see in very many game jam games. The UI could definitly do with some work allthough I know this is not the main priority in a jam, also the name "floppy fish" made me think it was a flappy bird clone.
Overall you have made a fun, balanced and replayable game, Great job! 

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! I am surprised about the levels because I was just winging it, but I'm glad they progressed well enough in difficulty lol. The UI is definitely one of the weak points as I never really got around to it (I will update it in a later update) and the name does sound like flappy bird, I'll look out for giving the wrong impression in the future. Thank you very much!