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Damn, at first I thought we would just be helping someone but learning about how the curse transfers is really messed up, especially when kind (or nosy) people can become easy victims. The curse makes me think of the way people can view mental illness nowadays with how easy it can be to get information, because the more they read about it the more they internalize the symptoms and mistaken themselves to have it until the manifestation becomes real.

I also like how the woman wails that she was such a good person that doesn't deserve this misfortune for over a year, but she was so quick to be able to pass on this curse to someone else who most likely was just like her. Quite hypocritical but I suppose desperate times call for desperate measures.

Quite an interesting VN, has a lot of potential especially if this curse can be spread like a sort of story telling disease, kind of like the chainmail creepypastas that haunted online web back then.