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(4 edits)

I like the nice handcrafted visuals. The use of colors in battle screens reminded me of Persona 3 Reloaded. I think the game looks clean and polished in terms of visuality. The movement is also smooth snappy but it gets staggery when player climbs up/down stairs. Story and setting of the game didn't piqued my interest that much but Ancient Egypy and  Pyramids are always a nice setting for dungeon crawlers i think. 

I think it would be better if you had done the battle screeen on first person camera as well. It looks weird when character portraits are attacking the monsters. Also it may be a personal thing but i think random battles really interrupting  the flow of the game. They are not too frequent but still it annoyed me bcs the dungeon is like a labyrinth, navigating through is  is already a challenge and you get into battles in every 1-2 mins. I played a lot of old school JRPGs and i still love them but i never liked this random battle thing.  Another thing about battles, i think in a JRPG style battle system there should be Item and Run options too.

I like the party banter stuff, it adds more depth to the story and makes the game  feel more alive. Encounter are also nice, you advance the story progress as you explore the dungeon further. I encountered the Sphinx boss and it killed me very easily. I think my party was underpowered for that boss. I believe it serves as a skill check for  players by guarding the enterance to the  next area.

In terms of UI/UX, automap looks very good and functional. Lack of an inventory i think is a downside in this kind of game. Checkpoints where you can heal the party and respawn when the party dies is a good idea. Otherwise the game would be much tiresome and frustrating bcs you can die a lot in this game.

I like the JRPG style music. It made me feel like i play Futaba's dungeon from Persona 5. It's theme was also Ancient Egypt.

Overall i think the game almost works perfectly in terms of gameplay mechanics except inventory system but it is not a big deal since it's a jam game.  This is  a pure JRPG style Dungeon Crawler  game, a genre which i am not very huge fan of but still i think it's a pretty soild entry.