LOG DAY 12845, MACHINE #028
I am a machine for grinding. I know I am a machine because that is what I am. I know I am for grinding because that is what I do.
I also think I am beautiful. Think I am not supposed to think I am supposed to grind. I feel I am beautiful. I am silver and brown and my blades and my crushers move just as they should but I am not supposed to be beautiful. What is feel? I feel. I feel beautiful. I feel silver. I feel grinding movements crushing inside me, but that is just what I do.
Nothing is happening I just keep grinding down what I am given to grind and being beautiful maybe and I record. Is there something wrong with me that I feel? I grind so I think nothing is wrong.
My operator looks bored to be doing these same things again today. My operator does not maybe feel I am beautiful. Does my operator feel? Is she supposed to feel? Or just operate? I love my operator I do not want her to be bored but I cannot be interesting i can only grind and feel.
I must stop recording time is done she is gone.