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(1 edit)

idk taste of your own medicine? and way to offer back to me my point like it was yours (at least you changed media to tech bros??? ok? seriously what the shit is wrong with you?) doesn't feel too good to be singled out and picked on does it? obviously not, by your response... I'm guessing you're either a preteen, or teenager, because you act like my kid's dumbass friends. you'd have done better to say nothing at all. you would have made a stronger point. 

so you think it's ok to be a loser that does nothing but watch what other people do and bitch about it, and be wrong on top of that??? you do realize the point of the site right? leech! you act as if you were offering constructive criticism... you're a troll. I was defending the person through AI because you attacked them through AI, but i guess because you're a troll and probably don't even believe the ignorant crap that spews out of your fingertips, you forgot about that? i don't care what you believe, you can continue to look like a moron as i see you choose. but i won't sit by indifferently and watch even if what you said had nothing to do with my career, that was a coincidence... Don't be an douchebag that doesn't do anything but come up here and trash other people for no reason, people don't like that crap mate. and you now act like you have the moral high ground? BAHAA! you began it when you started on the chap for no reason at all except something you knew nothing about and were wrong about.
my "authority" as you call it (i would say experience but I'm not a drama-queen panty-waste like yourself), was to hopefully get you to do what you should have done in the first place, learn what you're talking about before you speak about it. again you can continue this ridiculous practice, but you look more the foolish. sad little joke. don't try to come back at me and then just sit there looking dumb as you pass meaningless garble, of which i refuse to ever read again.... put some elbow grease behind it next time BOY. worthless piece of trash... you probably weigh 28 or so stones, nothing but garbage. And i realized now after seeing this from your profile... you're just more of a dance dance revolution kinda fat-boy

.... which i fully support. cool shirt btw...

Given your level of intelligence being at what... 2nd? third grade? i feel like i would be arguing with a child and I'm just going to have to be the bigger person here (if that is even possible), I'm just going to end this right now by blocking you so nobody has to bear further witness to your attempt at making a point...  I've been using itch for years (new account for every site) and your the first true asshole I've seen up here. bravo