Hiya. :) I finished my 1st playthrough last night (ver. 0.85) with Yoshi and Razix. Overall, I really enjoyed the characters and story. I’m very excited to see how this develops, and to try other paths/relationships! However, there were some major continuity issues pertaining to their sexual scenes/relationship.
I couldn’t find an email contact for you, so a warning to anyone else that may be reading this: SPOILERS to follow…
Yoshi and Razix’s first sex scene is giving each other a blowjob. Then a bit later, it’s implied that they oral 69 each other (no descriptions for that one, as the scene cuts to black). It’s after those two scenes that things seem to go a bit… wrong.
Razix then embarrasses Yoshi when he says something like “I was inside you and you were coming while screaming my name”. I was like, “Wait, what? When did that happen? We don’t get to see/read their first anal sex scene?” *sad face*
After that, they arrive at Border Station and Razix wants to know where he can buy lube, because they’re running low (implying they’ve been having lots of anal sex). At this point my *sad face* is now *crying face*.
And then finally, towards the end, we get their “first” anal sex scene (and talk of how it was “worth the wait”)… after it’s already been implied that they’ve been having lots of anal sex…
One other continuity issue I noticed is that Yoshi talks (at the very end) about how he moved in with Razix after their visit to Border Station, but this actually happens before their visit to Border Station (there’s an option to choose to move in with him, which I had selected).