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There are deeefinitely a variety of things I can write better and go back to rework and give the players more choices on how they interact with characters.  I'd rather them not be put in situations they don't like, especially if it's not exactly relevant.

Your comment about dishwashers though...  What do you mean?  I didn't actually have one for most of my life, so maybe that comes across in a weird way that I'm not aware of, hah

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It's not something bad or anything like that, it just feels weird seeing someone like Maria have to explain how dishwashers work. I'd have to go back and find exactly what I mean but I absolutely recall it happening in Harold's route.

Sorry if that's a weird thing to be bugged by btw, it most likely stems from the fact that I've had a dishwasher in every house I've lived in.


Haha, no, you're fine!  I'll have to look at too, cause even now, to me, that sounds odd!  Harodl's route -was- the first one I did, and that was right around the time when I FINALLY lived somewhere that had one, bahaha