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(4 edits) (+1)

ok people which type of player are you

Brute - uses weapons that weaken the enemy mainly

Archer - bow and arrows for their main weapon

Spellcaster - wands, fire, ect

Warrior - Whatever card deals more damage/defence

Tank - endurance build aka status effects, shields, hp

Summoner - summons ally’s to fight for them and tank damage, heal, and give sheild

Knife thrower - daggers do I need to say more

Arsonist - FIRE (flame arrows, fireball, lightning, anything that sets the enemy on fire and in excruciating pain)


I definitely prefer the "Archer" build personally - really satisfying the amount of damage a good bow and arrows can deal 😊


Personally Im more of a brute player making it so the enemy just cant do nothin’. its kinda satisfying in a way