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Honestly this was so cool. One of the things I was stuck on is WHY Purple (the purple haired girl) has a gun. They're in a hotel, so why does she have a gun unless she brought it with her for safety. But why so? Don't they trust one another even online? MC makes it a point to say that they're both the same being trans lesbians but for some reason as soon as MC possibly went out for her shell to meet up with Purple (metaphorical or literal) she instantly turns on MC with a gun she brought. I'm assuming that deep inside purple she never once trusted MC (which, fair given it's the online world but wow is it unfair in this scenario) but not just that, she uses degrading and offensive language to refer to MC even though MC herself doesn't seem to be overly aggressive towards Purple. 

It all seems rather hypocritical of Purple to do so, especially when we can see that MC still has her rationality as evidence that she can communicate and even joke about what's going on, yet Purple won't lower her defenses and think of MC. It's quite interesting and sad to see so.