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I've only played for a few minutes, so i might be missing a later mechanic that requires it, but if not... for the love of gaming NO! JUST! NO! Enough with game developers using the mouse as just a substitute button for game mechanics that don't require aiming. If a game could be designed to work perfectly well with a NINTENDO gamepad (not even a SNES gamepad) there's absolutely no reason it should ever use the mouse. Not only is it the wrong interface, because a mouse has a particular interaction paradigm - screen navigation/interaction - but it's also an absolutely awful way to interact on a laptop that has a touchpad, making it not only the wrong choice but one that reduces accessibility. This specific UX choice has become a blight on itch in particular. I don't know what started it, but please please please help end it, I'm begging you.

Other than that I will say, good work on the animation and movement, everything at least feels smooth. If there's any indication of where you respawn when you switch characters, I didn't see it. I assumed at first it might be at the globes - but that doesn't seem to be the case, so as a result I managed to get myself stuck where the two characters were respawning at different locations that neither could move on or back from. So, I think there might be some bugs to iron out, but it's got potential.