I agree with Gareth on this one. If you were able to do a generic check on objects in your inventory (which you can't), then you'd be able to override the drop routine just for this room with something like (in pseudo code):
if (object in inventory) then
if (room counter < MAX) then
increment room counter
drop object
print "You place the (object) on the table."
print "There's no room left on the table."
print "You don't have that."
Add decrement room counter when you get an object, but this requires a generic check on whether the object is in the room (which you can't do) prior to getting the object. It is some of these really basic limitations that make Adventuron hard to use.
This is the same puzzle where I'm currently stuck (I think I'm missing an object). In this case, I think it makes more sense to GIVE OBJECT, rather than DROP OBJECT. For each of the two required objects, you can check if it's in your inventory and, if it is, give it to the riddlemaker, check if he's got both objects and give an appropriate response. However, you still run into troubles handling the generic case because of Adventuron's inability to check whether the generic object is in your inventory.