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Hi Hexling,

That was a FASCINATING read, I am so grateful!! I wanted to hearken back to my own native tongue because all its pronouns are entirely neutral, only that we add an extra word in our sentences to denote politeness or formality.

Knowing this, I think I can make it canon! ❤️ My one sadness is that some stories or IFs automatically already know the neopronouns of the MC without asking. I think it's great that they already include them, and there is no harm in that at all! But I think it would make it more real this way.

So I can picture the MC and a new character introducing themselves and using gender neutral pronouns until they've become familiar or simply ask the other to refer to them properly if they dislike being formal or being referred to by anything else. Great!

Thank you so much -- this is a great compromise to allowing flexibility in gender expression for the protagonist, and yet also incorporating the neutrality in the language that I intended! You have singlehandedly saved the language. Thank you, Hexling! ❤️

Glad you liked it and it clicked some things into place for you!