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Carcass is indeed a very unique, experimental horror experience. 

From the outset, the player is thrown into an ethereal world set in an apocalyptic wasteland. After having played the game, I was left wondering what would be occurring on the 'topside' world level, and what other fascinating characters could be implemented in a potential sequel.  I found the weird characters highly entertaining - where most would see the Witch as a tyrannical overlord I found her the player's salvation...but that could just be my twisted look on the situation!

The mechanic of having to dissect the bodies and consume the flesh was bordering on a repetitive streak after a few goes, and although the Kafka-esque 'bug collecting' was a welcoming break from that, I think to truly set this game a bar above other games of this ilk would ideally have the player interact with other mechanics too. Maybe after the first inoculation of the prisoner and 'yum yum brain juice' has been collected, the player could have other tasks to perform in the underground facility?

A highly entertaining game, and looking forward to seeing more like this in the future. Keep it weird. Keep it creepy.