Day 4
Today i wanted implement new things as much as possible because i know tommorow i won't have a lot of time to work on the game BUT today was also a day where i felt lazy as fuck and just wanted to chill, but i said to my self "no ! you have to work on the game !" so i did.
The first thing i did today was adding head shaking movement when one cat was hit, for this i had to use alarms, i think i kind of understand how alarms works now ? Anyway, at first it looked like this:
As you can see the head didn't stop shaking, it wasn't a major problem tho and was resolved quickly. I just made a gif of it only because apparently people on internet prefer looking at broken games.
Then i started to add new visual elements. I started drawing (on Paint, i forgot to mention that i drew everything on Paint, and also did the music on the trial version of FL Studio, and used Audacity to record the "pshow" sound effects) paws icons so you can see how much health you and your opponent had left (at first i wanted the cats to only have on life, but i quickly realized the game wouldn't be interesting enought in this state so i gave them 10, and as i'm writing this i realize i should've put 9 lives instead of 10 but who cares.)
Then i added a "screen shake" effect when one of the cats recieve damage, and a less intense shaking effect when the two paws touch.
I alsto started drawing a kind of "tail" radar that was supposed to be on the up-right corner of the game and that indicate the state of your opponent's tail, so you could guess its mood. On paper it's a good idea but on practice it wasn't very intuitive so i quickly abandoned that idea.
So, i only added the life bars. Now the game looks like this:
I should've manipulated instances for the HP icons but i thought it was too complicated and i didn't know how to do it. So each paw is a different object lol.
Next time i plan to add a nice visual feedback when one of the cat looses, i have to admit i have no idea of what it will look like. I just don't want it to be "the cat who loses just disappear and then "you win/you lose" appears on the screen written in a generic ugly font". I also wan't to add a menu and a title screen so the game won't start directly with the fight. (we will see latter for the addition of cats). I also wonder if i should make the cat more agressive because i think the game is too easy in this current state.
Anyway, i'd like to thank the people who helped me on Twitter and Discord for the alarm thing !
Edit: i forgot to mention that i added 5 frames of invincibility