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Overall, love this!  Visuals are cool, although maybe a little less variance on the font would have made it easier to read =).  Monsters are really cool.

I made it through the 4th, I think, level (lots of invisible walls), and on the next level my one remaining character committed suicide shortly after entering the level.  So sad.  I can't remember if anyone died along the way (besides the scripted events), but if I had lost no one, was there potentially more content after that?  I liked having to choose who to sacrifice along the way, although I couldn't imagine playing with automap!  On that note, the dungeon design was wonderful and devious, all of the elements I'd love to see.  Unfortunately after my scout left me, it turned into a bit of save-scumming (just reload if I stepped on a trap).

I couldn't tell where consumables were coming from, seemed often like exploring the dungeon wasn't providing much of anything except danger?  Were consumables just coming from combat drops?  I was definitely low on medkits the whole time, thanks to my Doctor being the first one to go mad, I guess =).  I had *tons* of ammo though, so started just minigunning through everything.

Great job on this!

You actually completed the game so congratulations. ;) 

Did you choose the character commiting suicide? The character commiting suicide is the end of the game, you select your remaining character then the game restarts with a new party and the "THE END" message. 

When you reach the last level you're always alone. The events are skipped if you lost characters in combat. For example you get the first one only if you still have 7 characters, the second one only if you still have 6 characters, etc...

You pick items in the corners (never from combat), with simply a light sound to tell you you did, like with other things in the game there should be better feedback. I agree playing without the scout is unsatisfying save scumming in practice.

Thanks for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed the game! 

I did see the game restart, and saw the "Later..." message, and I guess it does say "THE END" and "Thanks for playing", but I couldn't quite remember if that's also what it said when I died =).   I thought it might be the end, but since it felt like it was half way through a level, I wasn't quite sure... had it been right at the beginning / after going down the stairs, or a clear end of level dead end, maybe it would have been clearer =).