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(2 edits) (+5)

Whether it is meant to be accurate or not, you A) label this as being for Edo Era Japan, a real time and place, and B) have one half of your book specifically cordoned off as fiction. These two things, taken together with no other disclaimer, present the other half as being nonfiction about said time and place.

Also, I motioned towards this before, but to say it more plainly - this is something you clearly and openly copied from a different source, and are now selling for money, despite it just being a re-organization of material from someone else's tool. This not okay and could be illegal!

I am not a lawyer, but, you are selling something from Google without their permission. Even if it was edited, the baseline material - as you've said - is taken from Bard AI, and that itself may be taking training data from copyrighted material (which it would then potentially spit out verbatim every so often, something that is more likely over 200+ pages than a single prompt). If I were you, I would not sell a supplement like this without something signed and stamped confirming that I wouldn't be obliterated in court over it, by Google or by anyone Google might have taken training data from.

If you want to share a big collection of AI responses with people because you think they'd be a useful resource, then that is your prerogative, but I would think twice before charging money for them. Like I said previously, I don't think it's worth it to buy a collection of prompts when you can just go use Bard AI yourself - and, by extension, I don't think it's worth the massive legal risk to get a bit of money from people interested in such a thing.

I thought it was pretty clear that I am not presenting a history book, but I can understand your perspective. I will add a disclaimer to this product stating explicitly that it is not meant to be historical fact. As to the second part, I'm not too concerned about legal issues with Google. See the following:

Google is willing to defend users who face legal trouble due to AI-generated content, but this only applies to unintentional copyright infringement... On the heels of these public discussions, Google has announced that it will assume responsibility in case any AI art or content created using its tools inadvertently results in copyright infringement (via Reuters). - Oct. 2023, not sure if I can link the article here, but it's on Android Police website.

I also read that some conditions and restrictions apply. Better safe than sorry, so I may end up removing the price tag and listing the AI Prompts series as free. I am already doing that for the 24XX modules, which again are storytelling tools, but based on active IPs. This whole AI business is something fresh and exciting for me, and I did jump on it, not to make a fast buck, but to write better stories and play better games. Thanks for your input! If you can recommend a couple of Edo Period websites, I'd love to take a look at them. (As soon as  I get through like 50 Viking-based sources!)