in order for Thane not to end up with Fia you need to do finish the Find the Culprit quest right after defeating Meyza at the latest> Then when Thane attacks Fia instead of Winston , you need to agree to come with Thane to talk to her and apologize > this will make Thane not immediately bond with Fia the day after and open a new sleepover event with the boys > Then do not cure thane by brewing the blood potion cure > after Io’s arc is done and they insert her heart to Palmier, this should later prompt Thane to ask you to bond > Say yes
Hope this helps? Thane’s route is a bit complex because it changes a lot of other events in game so yeah, there is a chain reaction but as far as I know from my patrons they all were able to do it eventually so hopefully shud not be an issue
to open the option to hug Thane you need a kindness of minimum 50 points