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It's an interesting situation, exploring the jungle and all but I feel like the AI doesn't really know what to do with the stats. Despite the displayed upper limit of the stats, the values carelessly cross that limit. The events seem almost random in which stats they change, like when I choose to run away from a monster, my stamina goes up, as does my weight. The bottommost stat seems to be increasing no matter what too, either bodyfat with it enabled or breasts when bodyfat is disabled. 

The images too seem rather incoherent, neither adressing the situation or the stats.  The choices I got were rather repetetive, sometimes even giving the same exact answer multiple times at a single prompt.

It's a nice Idea, but the execution is lacking. It doesn't seem like the AI is at a point where you can let it handle all of the game/story on its own. Maybe you should still manage stats and choices given more manually, so that things make more sense


Yeah I’m moving the stats changing logic back to the code, rather than letting the AI change the stats.

The choices are only suggestions, you should enter your own choice, fork your own path :)

Tbh the AI that writes the choices doesn’t have much to work with, I was trying to keep cost down, its bankrupting me Q.Q

You can try to enable AI Turbo mode in the Settings (API Key required) and it will use smarter AI with better memory.

Oh I didn't even see that you could write your own decisions, good to know. 

The situation with AIs being this expensive to use is not great, yeah

well individually it’s very cheap, but they add up. Game had 30k plays over 3 days xD