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 *Magically comes out of nowhere*


It's been long since I've last commented here, busy with life and stuff- So I'm here today to give some other ideas to add and oh boy... It's going to be a long one...

1) Types of video games and dance pads.

So for this idea, since we have gaming PCS and laptops to play games with. Why not add the types of games we can play? Like a game about chess that improves your video gaming skills and intellectual skills or a game that requires a dance pad like dance dance revolution which improves physical and dancing skills. This can pair well with streaming too, of course it will relate to the type of stream like play a game about chess on a chess related stream. Speaking of dance pads, why not add a item which is the dance pad to the shop? 

2) Student ID?

Since we're universities students, why not add student IDs? A card verifying somebody's identity as a university student and entitling them to services, discounts, etc. Gives to whose who don't use cheats to get money a simpler time as it'll can give certain shop's prices discounts. (Can be 10 to 25 percent I believe.) Of course you get them at the admissions office, it's gives the admissions office a purpose as we can see it's mentioned but not a place we can visit yet. (Unless the clinic is also the admissions office.)

3) Adding to the laundry room events.

So, clothes can get stolen while we're in the showers right? Why not the chances of happening can be also be at the laundry room? Like this, after every hour or 30 minutes of you not taking out your clothes from the laundry room... The chances of some pieces of clothing get stolen increases, not too much though. This adds some elements of surprises to the day.

4) Events with partners.

Since the update on relationships is still ongoing, I'm suggesting some fluff events that can happen time to times if you have a partner. Like if you have the same class as them, they or us can sit beside each other and certain events can happen. Hand holding under the table, passing love notes to each other... This also opens some slight nsfw events too like them suggestively touching you in secret while acting innocent, whispering some suggestive things or jokes to you... And depending on who's more assertive or compliance in the relationship, it opens many unique interactions. (I read too many fanfics...)

Okay, I'm stopping at four so it isn't as overwhelming. I will come back for more, so see you next time and take it slow.