Been working on finishing up the launcher page's productivity tools. While they're not core bits of the program, they're really giving the front page a purpose and are actually turning out more useful than I expected, thanks to a couple last-minute additions. Github integration is getting harder though.
Below is progress on the Contacts page (a built-in address book that automatically adds contact info for people participating in your projects), plus a show of the About button actually pulling live information.
Still need to connect the sorting features, update the profile headers, and handle the notes sections (which are beasts of their own, since I'd like to give the notes a (simple) HTML editor for formatted text). After that: connecting to the schedule page & starting on the first tools (probably the Form Creator, since that'll be the basis behind the file structure I need for those buttons on the Home page). Almost onto the fun stuff.
My Trello board / current to-do lists are also here, since we seem to be sharing them in other threads c:
Side note: Thanks, Gif. I could've found that broken code when I wasn't taking a break. //time to go make stuff load properly hahaugh.