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I'll have to give it to him, Ezrira is quite the interesting person. I love how unhinged he is but has the face of someone who seems unbothered and cooly detached while also a chatterbox who's just excited in gaining as many friends while also accomplishing his selfish desires.

It was interesting how I agreed on his normalcy concept because it's true. Morals such as good conduct are all perpetuated by those in control or who we perceive to be in control such as the concept of religion.

I also like how vaguely human shaped he is while also just unapologetically showing off the modifications that are on the already oddly shaped body. I feel like if MC stuck around with Ezrira it would be just the biologist rambling excitedly to MC with concepts that are twisted in his head while MC just looks at their companion going "My god dude, you are weird but a cool weird" lmao.