Last couple of days have a had a lot less visible progress. I've add a sort of fail state - if you crash into the floor the kit gets reset for launching again. To launch, you have to pull backwards on the sticks about half way on each stick, then it begins flying.
The big thing I've been fighting with is a way of spawning the target objects. I want to be able to eventually have targets with different spawning behaviours, so tried to make the spawner class generic, and use an interface to require target types to implement a LegalPosition method to check they're in a legal position. I thought I'd start simple, and just have a target type check it was within x distance of other targets, but I cannot get Unity to check for the existence of other target objects within a radius properly. I'm trying to use OverlapCircleAll on a specific layer all the targets are assigned to in order to find how many are within a radius of the new one, but it will only return 0 and I have no idea why. Going to stop and see if I can think of a better way of handling it in the next day or two.
In the successes column, I did manage to get obstacle targets working though, which are things that cause the kite to sink instead of rise when hit. These were a pretty simple change of value and sprite on the earlier targets, starting to see the value of Unity's prefabs. Oh, and made a replacement image for the kite which looks a bit more stunt kiteish.
Immediate goals:
- Make the spawner apply spawning criteria properly.
- Implement win condition