Heyo, I love the sound and aesthetic, though I struggled a lot with the controls. My gamepad seemed to be only registering ~half input (ie full stick left would walk whilst WASD ran properly), and with keyboard and mouse camera and movement fight each other; the camera turns when you turn, often in opposition to what you were trying to do in the first place (usually, strafe around something).
The lockon has some trouble in that 1) there's no indication of when you're in range to use it and 2) you have to start pressing the lockon key once in range, ie you can't just hold lockon and advance until it... er, locks on. Had a few cases of trying to lockon to something in front of me only to snap to one of the spiders crawling around a rock behind me too, which was pretty disorientating.
Having an over-shoulder aim and a lockon system is also a little confusing; it honestly feels like you'd be better picking one or the other. It might be my imagination but it feels like your shots are a lot slower in the over-shoulder mode; combined with the lack of any crosshair it's pretty darn near impossible to aim it properly beyond spraying the general area like you're practising your danmaku or something.
Only being able to lock-on whilst aiming also makes combat tricky; you're trying to keep the camera on the target so you can lock onto it, whilst moving to avoid their fire (leading to that camera-fights-itself issue I mentioned earlier). Add platforming to this mix and it gets messy and disorientating pretty quick.
Jump feels oddly laggy; like you press the jump button and there's a short delay before the character actually jumps. It's pretty easy to just run straight off a platform without jumping if you're not prepared for it; might need some 'coyote time' on the jump input (ie letting the player still jump if they've only just entered the air state)