Oh yes i remember an i will gladly tell you the tale of this bunch of fools as you ask ! ^^ (i also find its a strong part of the fun for a creator ! )
This was a classic group of heroes : a barbarian (woman), a dwarf, an elf (woman) and a wizzard. We decided to not bring equipement. It is quite a cooperative team on paper but the raid divided them in two distinct groups. The barbarian found herself traped in the crypt and the wizzard go to the rescue without a second thought using "pass through rock".
At the exact same time, the two others, accompagnied by the group of orcs prisoners openend the gate to the main room and started the boss fight. Both or them were infected by the mind venom and the elf lost her healing spell. They were severly wounded when they killed the two gobos ladies and the abomination. I decided it was the perfect time of the orcs betrayal. They started panicking ! With a devastasting turn of tides, the orcs attacked the two heroes. Both were reduced to one BP ! They flied with a twelve for movement. It was hilarious. ^^
In the same time, barbarian and wizzard had done to kill the undead and find there were no way out by themself. Elf and dwarf decided to ambush the orcs by exploiting the movement limitation. Two were killed but the two last killed (or incapacited) the two heroes.
So the party was done with a disaster. It was a raid, a brutal and unlucky one. : ) I 'm lucky to have a group with good mentality so i gave them a fair chance to save their heroes in the near future. Perhaps in assaulting the fortress of the orcs and in sending an emergency team with the warlock and the druid to dig up the barbarian and the wizzard (if they haven't started to eat themselves XD).
So, your quest is pretty good exemple of a certain simplicity in design weach leads to stories that build themselves. : )