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Unfortunately played this game during a difficult time in life so I don't have the motivation to write out an entire paragraph, nor did I have the full focus in later game to fully read each and every little detail of text. But from the impression that I got, this is a truly wonderful Visual Novel. While I have my own individual preferences with the way that some of the sprites look, the CGs are always to DIE for. The customisation throughout is off the charts, making it a truly interactive experience, even if I only played through once. And don't even get me started on Cove; what an adorable dork of a love interest. I don't consider myself easily impressed in games where the romance path is optional, but I have to say that from the moment he pulled a Romeo I was hooked. My favourite scene would have to be when he climbs into MC's room with the firefly(twas also the scene in my playthrough where I confessed). Speaking of this, here is where the only bug that I encountered happened. We made it official in one of the moments, however in the later in-between Cove confessed all over again as if the prior moment didn't register. Other than that, though, there were absolutely no technical issues that I noticed and the experience was smooth-sailing(pun intended-ocean themes). Each character feels like their own person and fleshed out just the right amount to feeling like characters from a big-industry production. Going back to interactivity, I must applaud this game's approach to various topics, ranging from sexuality choices/representation, autism and consent. While I'm not apt to comment on all of the above from experience, I've heard the overall sentiment here is that these were handled with tact. Not so much a game as an experience.