How do you feel about the game's difficulty?
The game was moderately difficult. I think the speed of enemy projectiles was pretty quick.
If it is too hard/ too easy, what do you think should be done to make it more balanced?
If you are going for a moderately difficult game, it feels fine.
Does the parry work fine?
The parry seemed to work fine. I didn't really see the point in using it. I found it more effective to run in circles around an enemy closing in and then hit them.
How are the visuals?
The visuals are awesome. I really like the character and enemy designs and animations. I am excited to see what the vip ends up looking like.
Any bugs?
The only bug I noticed was that sometimes on the desert level, I can't jump. Also, restarting the game from the main menu causes a lot of bugs.
Do the UI elements look fine?
The UI elements look fine.
Would you like to see anything else added to the shop?
I think hats for the vip was a fun idea. You can pretty easily add more damage and health upgrades and just scale enemy health and damage as the game goes on.
What do you like/dislike about escort missions in other games?
They are not fun usually.
How do the controls feel?
Controls feel great, everything is very smooth.
What would you like to see implemented in the game?
A vip skin and maybe some more enemy variety.