Found a smallish bug while trying to save scum for a audition. When you save just before an audition, say just before you would click that A symbol, and then reload that save, the idols that are presented in the audition screen and the ones you actually get are disconnected. The stats and ability do stayed synced correctly.
To make it more clear, here I reloaded the save because I didn't like the results and tried again. These are my choices this time:
I hire the one selected and finish as usual. But at the introduction screen I get greeted by a completely different avatar
The stats are exactly the same though, only the appearance has changed.
And that is as clear as I can make it. From here on out the game uses the new appearance correctly and no further weirdness is experienced. This only happens if I reload and use the same 'prepared' audition, if I cancel and plan a new audition the disconnect doesn't happen at all.
I'll upload the 2 save games, just in case.
Save just before the audition.
Save after the screenshotted audition