I really loved this story! The art is gorgeous, the music is lovely, and I did notably like the sound effects for the buttons, hehe.
I didn't expect to come into this relating to Hijiri so much, but, as a writer myself, perhaps that was shortsided, haha. I can relate to both characters, actually -- Mayo's fan behavior and her tendency to not worry about the future (though I mostly tell myself to not worry about the future as a coping mechanism for anxiety, ha) and Hijiri's woes with creative burnout.
I was a little worried at multiple points about the direction the story was taken. I was worried that, with how Mayo was berating herself, she would end up bearing the narrative burden for the final conflict, with Hijiri's side of never being addressed. In fact, I was worried about Hijiri's nasty traits never truly being addressed. Thankfully, both of those things got proven wrong though!
The only issue I have with this VN is a rather minor complaint, and that's the subject of Hijiri's grandparents. I am about as white as white bread, so take my opinion with a grain of salt (especially given that I don't know the race of the author!), but I found it discomforting how it was established that Hijiri's grandparents were xenophobic / racist, and that they were then, in Hijiri's words, "Proven right". There are a number of ways this could've been addressed; they could have disapproved of Hijiri's father for a reason other than him being a foreigner, being the one that immediately jumps to mind. If you wanted to keep that plot point, you could've had Mayo respond when Hijiri said 'they were right' about her father, with something like, "But they were judging him based off of where he came from. They weren't 'right' for that." And then Hijiri could respond, "That is true." I dunno, something like that would've been a little less discomforting.
Other than that, though, I really enjoyed this VN and would recommend it in the future!