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Really love the game but just a few things I've noticed.

During the Ragia fight he sometimes just doesn't let go of you for whatever reason. Also when jumping over his bite attack it can hit you and knock you into an endless fall and soft lock you.

Sometimes the blacksmith won't continue dialogue after answering the questions when he should tell you the results.

I've played both the pc and android version and while the touch screen controls work for the most part, it can be much more difficult to struggle out of certain grabs. The blacksmith being very notable for this and it's very difficult to activate Ravis' cock vore too.

Also on the pc version it'll occasionally freeze my computer and there doesn't seem to be a specific reason it's happening. 

I was also curious about the commission rates since I saw you mention it before. 

Ragia is a legacy enemy that's surprisingly outdated, so he's very jank, I dun remember the codes that form him :<

Ravis' cock vore is made intentionally p difficult to find, it's a secret stuff after all

No idea about the freezing...

Commission rates - Ravis cost $360, and Casie $300 (Discount cuz the commissioner made some of the props)

Alrighty, figured I'd bring that stuff up just in case.

And while I'm not in a financial situation rn where I can comm, I might down the line because those are solid rates and the game is very enjoyable.

Hopefully you get some new comms for it in the mean time too because you do really good work :)