How do you feel about the game's difficulty?
I think that the game can be difficult, but there are ways to get around the difficulty. Sometimes I could just let the enemies attack the VIP first and then they would be easier to defeat as they would not be focused on me. Also, I could sometimes just block until I got close to the enemies and then kill them easily into quick hits.
If it is too hard/ too easy, what do you think should be done to make it more balanced?
I think that having an unlockable attack could help prevent the combat from becoming too easy. This would probably require the player to have some sort of dash ability to dodge this kind of attack, and to make it fair there would need to be an indicator for when the attack is coming.
Does the parry work fine?
I thought that the parries worked, but they were hard to pull off. Maybe make the timing more lenient.
How are the visuals?
I like the visuals and the art style. I like that everything is clear and easy to see.
Any bugs?
I did not notice any bugs.
Do the UI elements look fine?
I think that the UI looks good, but there could be a little more art for the menus.
Would you like to see anything else added to the shop?
I think that the shop was good.
What do you like/dislike about escort missions in other games?
I like when the VIP can also help fight the enemies and when I can have control over how the VIP is picking fights.
How do the controls feel?
The controls feel good and responsive.
What would you like to see implemented in the game?
I think that adding a way to pause would be nice. Also, I think that changing the combat camera so that it can lock on to the nearest enemy and focus on them would be a good addition if possible.