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(1 edit) (+2)

Honestly? While playing this game,
I felt like I wasn't playing an 18+ game at all o.o

I still can't believe that... so much work
was put into a game aimed at 18+.

The look of this is just amazing, I love it :>

The story itself... honestly, is really engaging,
which is rare, especially in 18+ games.

The scenes of... you know what,
look equally awesome, I must admit xD

Generally... I honestly would like to see this game next to,
for example, DDLC, because its execution is so good :>

You can see that the authors put their whole hearts into it :D

Well... but this is my opinion about this game
(I admit, if I had some money, I would be happy to help,
but... unfortunately, I d
oesn't have money now :<)

And I haven't even touched Chapter 2 yet o.o