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Pretty good! Encountered the bugs mentioned by the previous commentators. The controls does not feel good to control but it is fine. Found a bug (assuming that it was unintentional) you could stay on top of the monsters.The music and artsyle is pretty good. 

Thanks a lot for the feedback! It's intentional, you need it to go past some of the hurdles if you go in the underground :)

Thank you for your feedback! We fixed the bug with the dying screen.

Would you mind telling me what changes you would make so the controls feel better? :-)


It doesn't feel natural when you move; Probably make it so the player doesn't instantly stop(Something like the movement in Super Mario Bros. For reference).  Anyways, it was pretty good for the timespan  that it was made!

I definitely want to add more game feel after the jam is over. Your advice is going to help me a lot. Thank you!