I liked it very much. I spent only four rounds. The sound design and the idea are amazing, so I think it still holds up pretty well and it definitely does not need to be taken down: it must stay for nostalgia and history. If you are going to think about taking it down, think about making some kind of a remake, than. ^^
The only thing I find weird or flawed is wake up mechanics, they seem to be a bit junky: one time I had to mash my Spacebar for half a minute, while my screen was absolutely black, and nothing would come out of that, and sometimes Sandra would wake up easily after three or five taps. As far as I know, it could lead to being unfairly licked by the forest spirit.
I hope the Vroom Vroom guy is doing alright after taking all these shots. I like to think he actually was trying to say to Sandra: "Hey, it seems your car has died. You are in luck, I am an anti-gremlin who can magically fix it in no time! Just let me kiss ya and have a ride, that's all I want!"