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Hey, just bought the game :) Looks really cool, gonna play it with my friends when i get the chance. Just wanted to say that im not sure the line about flouridated water in the intro paragraphs is super cool. The idea that fluoride in the water is harmful is like... wrong. And belief in that idea can easily be a gateway that leads people into far right beliefs (for an example, see Australian TV chef Pete Evans). As such, it might be better to replace the reference with like leaded water, since that's already mentioned on page 63. Sorry for the little monologue, just something I think could be changed for the better.


I left it in because I trust my readers are smart enough to know that anti-fluoride stuff is bullshit. I appreciate the feedback and it is something I will consider changing on the next editing pass. 


Understandable, have a nice day.


Thinking about it, its not really that funny so I'm probably going to cut it. I appreciate you drawing attention to it.

(1 edit) (+1)

I feel like this game is so obviously satire that you'd have to be a real life fluoride-zombie to have this be your gateway to the right. It would be like having Fahrenheit 451 be your gateway to fascism.