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I understand this a lot better and get your point completely, this cleared some stuff up and helped me get more clarity on what you meant. I wasn’t trying to invalidate your feelings about you not liking DDLC, it’s a reasonable reaction to not like something you don’t feel like represents you properly and I think people will have a different reaction to all sorts of things, depression or suicidal ideations or anything besides that everyone is going to have a difference of opinion and not share the exact same sentiments 24/7 and that much I completely understand. I’m going to have disagree with the harm thing however, I don’t think it’s all black and white and good and bad, I see both the bad and the good in both games and I’m not saying either are the most accurate portrayals and even if they were, to some, like you said, they couldn’t be to them. I’m not saying DDLC hasn’t hurt anyone but it’s just kinda rare that I see anyone say it did, which is why I had my initial reaction to what you had said. I’m just behind the standpoint that I don’t think you should be preaching how people should release bad games about suicidal ideation and bad representations of mental health to profit off of when we’re already a very stigmatized and misunderstood group of people, and I think that viewpoint is harmful. There is pros and cons to a lot of games that deal with this, but I don’t think you should have this mentality when we do not need more of this out in the world when we’ve been treated like monsters and freaks because of it historically for hundreds of years and I think reinforcing the stereotype that people should continue to make bad games about us and not doing any research to approach a sensitive topic is not a very good take.