I played your game, and I think it needs some work; for example, currently running into enemies doesn't seem to kill you or drain any kind of health, so you can just run into them until they disappear?
The collision for the end level portals is also a bit off, so you can sometimes collide from another platform, but that's a small thing.
The MAIN thing, however, is that annoying halting; I think from your description you're saying that this is a key mechanic, as in the player is on a timer that, every now and then when you get electrocuted, prevents you from moving? If that's right then that's going to get very annoying, very quickly! I think having this timer prevent you from being able to attack could work, but stopping the player from actually moving really takes the player out of the action, slows you down, and is just generally irritating, so I'd strongly recommend taking a different approach on that.
However, the artwork on the levels is GORGEOUS, and there's an interesting story in there somewhere!