Just completed the game.
This is a really fun submission; the movement feels smooth which is important for this kind of game since you need precision. And I really enjoyed the way timers were implemented. A few thoughts for feedback:
- I think you should use a different colour for the 'up' of the magnetic platforms. The first time they appear is in the second level with the deadzone. The level with the deadzone teaches the player loud and clearly that red background equals bad. So then when you come to the magnetic platforms, it feels weird that you are SUPPOSED to now enter a red area, because this red area is a different kind of red area but only the symbols express that.
- You have platforms that use the circle with 4 segments, and some with 2, to show the timers, I think as a '2 = fast, 4 = slow' approach, but I think I'm right in saying that there's no fixed time for a 2 and a 4? The level where the lower platform takes you across the spikes but the upper platform blocks your jump, I waited a little while and the platforms seem to be on slightly different timers as the gap rotates. That may be deliberate in terms of that particular obstacle approach, but I think if they are both 4, they should both be on the same timer. It's part of the contract between the game and the player that there's consistency in how the game communicates the timer. so I'd either think about using a different number of segments, or removing the segments entirely and having a timer on the platforms so you can see where there's a difference?
But overall a really fun game, thanks for making it!