Hay Lags just wanted to give a list of bugs i recieved while play mobile and PC.
For Mobile, The game can randomly freeze up however I'm not kicked out, rather it just slows all input. Leave and going back in without fully closing the game fixes this.
There was a bug that occurred twice when I get attacked by something and an instant grab from like a scorpion jump and or tentical grap hits at roughly the same time. (You get stuck in a fall like frame and are invulnerable until you get hit by a trap also ropes don't work when this occurs)
For PC, in the Annie playthrough I once after getting knocked had the jetpack/blaster phased through the wall. Teleporting didn't fix it. Had to restart. Only happened once.
Similar to Haily's playthrough if you get hit while timing an insta grab animation (zombie level) you can get invulnerability however can't use jetpack. Only happen twice here. Hard to replicate.
A crash happened once while playing the slots machine however that may have been a PC issue not the game.
And finally this may be a feature but in Hailey's levels if I tap the burger I get infinite amount of heals+burgers over the max anytime I click.
Have a great day and goodluck with everything.