Yeah, somehow I forget Valkyries are Norse, but remember the difference between dragons and wyverns :P
PS: I almost wrote Harpies instead of Valkyries...
PPS: I like dragons
PPPS: I'm kind of stealing your comment, I saw it, funny as heck
PPPPS: Post post post post scriptum, yeah, I know Latin
PPPPPS: Why am I doing this?
PPPPPPS: I'll stop now
PPPPPPPPS: I have a pet turtle called Gummy, still, I haven't made a turtle robot
PPPPPPPPPS: I will make a turtle robot
PPPPPPPPPPS: I'll stop now, I promise
PPPPPPPPPPPS: I crossed my fingers before saying I promise
PPPPPPPPPPPPS: Post post post post post post post post post post post post scriptum, I'm done now, my fingers hurt a bit, ouch