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(2 edits) (+1)
can't believe blorb is actually in real life now

Seconding the others, the auto-jump/bounce mechanic is a really cool way to mix up the platforming. Maybe Blorb could even have different Blorbstates™️ where the bounce varies, e.g. semi-deflated/floppy, extreme bounce height, etc.

I think the backgrounds for a few of the stages could use a touch more contrast, the first one in particular could have more faded hills with a higher contrast. It's not a major issue, it's just stuff tends to blend in at a quick glance. All in all it was fun and the ending made me laugh, well done!

p.s. I was the one who drew Blorbina

Thanks for playing, and a big thanks for your contribution to the blorb mythos with blorbina! I'll see if there's some way to add some more Bounce Action without having to totally change the gameplay (maybe a bounce key, or maybe you hold jump to bounce, idk). Backgrounds were the bane of my existence, spent so much time on them and they went through so many different permutations, in particular the colors were hard, I'll take another look at that one and see if I can make it better.