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(1 edit) (+2)

Just in case anyone is wondering NO Dragon boss is not fixed yet she still can home in on the player. In fact she ended up in the kitchen and as I was coming up behind her she immediately turns around reacting to me even though she did not know I was there and started coming after me. I crawled away and hid in a locker after breaking line of sight and guess what she did? She beelines for that locker and grabbed me forcing me to restart.

It was then I knew the devs had done absolutely nothing to adjust her behaviors to where she's a challenge but fair and fun. I'm not at all against there being a challenge such as a predator like her or others but their A.I must be fair and balanced. Heck I'd love for there to be a female predator in the future. I'll keep trying to have fun but it's hard to when the game acts like this and I'm sure this was a problem in the past and yet it got fixed.

Edit: fixed spelling errors