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1. Appdata is not a hidden folder as far as I'm concerned, many games put saves in this folder, and there's no problem with copying them. Why would I imagine that this game is any different. Are you saying there's no way to edit campaign maps? In fairness copies of them should be alongside the other prebuilt maps in the editor by default.

2. I know this doesn't happen for all saves, just campaign maps. I alluded to this in my first reply.

3. Fair enough, the mirror does work, even if it works in a way that nobody would ever think of and would only discover by accident or by being told.

4. So what you're saying is that this, the way I've made it will never work:

I can't recreate this map via creating a new map since there's no copy/paste function, and even if I placed each tile by hand (18750 tiles, using mirror) it probably wouldn't work because the map would reset to a blank slate when i tried to play it. I'd say that could be concisely summed up as a map editor where everything needs fixing.

PS. I personally thought hemorrhagic fever was quite a nice touch, each to their own.

I do like the idea of having the campaign maps available as a preset in the map creator. Or at least the wave generation