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Here are some ideas I've had while playing the current Beta:

  • Lock the 'Idol Customization' feature until the player has built a Dressing Room. Just because it makes sense, unless one of your employees can double as a hairdresser, or you're willing to follow your idol to the closest coiffeur in order to tell them exactly how you want your idol's hair to look.
  • Ability to check your concert's playlist while it's happening. It could be useful for people with poor memory and the tendency to save their cards until the very end of the concert. Totally not talking about myself, by the way.
  • As mentioned in the thread above, the ability to demolish, upgrade and move rooms. It's not like defending an underground vault from radioactive creatures is more important than producing singles and building an idol group from the ground up, right?
  • A harder endgame, economically speaking. Now, people might have already mentioned this before, and I know there's a good chunk of events and story dialogues still to be added to the game. But wouldn't it be nice if you were monthly/anually taxed by the Japanese government, or if one of your employees "just happened" to be the millionth visitor of a sketchy website and ended up scamming your company out of millions of yen? What I mean is that the player should never just sit comfortably on top of a pile of money. There could be some serious situations that could have as an outcome an enormous setback for the player. You got 100 million yen on your bank account? Too bad, your cat just walked over your laptop while you were grabbing a cup of coffee and transferred half of your company's funds to your most popular idol's bank account, and now she decided to disappear with all that cash. Boo-hoo, too bad. (obviously an exaggeration, but you get what I mean).
  • Save renaming. Sometimes I duplicate my saves in order to use one of them as a test save, but I've almost ended up loading my 'official' save when trying to give a WIP mod a go one day. It'd be cool if we could name and rename our saved games.

This has been mentioned previously, but it's worth mentioning again, especially paired with "harder endgame".

An easier early game, economically speaking.


agreed that we shouldn't be sitting on giant piles of cash! i'm on top of a billion yen and not really getting anything out of it